The American Donkey & Mule Society's
Versatility Hall of Fame
the ADMS offers a program where donkeys and mules earn points for any activities they participate in. After receiving enough points, the donkey or mule receives his or her VHOF award plaque, and a write up in the ADMS' publication "the Brayer". The animal can then continue to accumulate points and receive additional recognition in "the Brayer" called Honor Rolls.
Apollo has numerous Honor Rolls, and many more waiting to be submitted to the ADMS office.
Apollo and I would like to help other donkeys and mules obtain their VHOF.
First check out the ADMS' site. Join the ADMS, register your donkey or mule and at the same time enroll them in the VHOF program. All of this can be done for under $50.
Work with your donkey or mule at home. Teach them how to lead, trot in hand and stand quietly for periods of time. Practice a simple obstacle course at home. Plastic tarps on the ground, small jumps, walking past scary things like whirligigs and balloons are all great exercises that teach your donkey or mule to trust you.
Groom them, and educate yourself about proper grooming so you and your donkey or mule can do us all proud when you go out in public.
Here are a few pointers:
Keep records of your adventures. Keep a calendar with the events you attend.
keep a class list handy and mark the number of animals in each class your donkey attends. mark the class with a star if you competed against mules/horses if your animal is a donkey or horses if your animal is a mule.
Marking your ribbons:
mark the date on the back, the class name and mark the number of animals in the class and circle it, then mark with a star if you competed against mules/horses if your animal is a donkey or horses if your animal is a mule.
If you traveled to the show with others, mark your animal's name on the back as well as the handler.
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